The Role Of Cold Laser Therapy In Pain Management

The Role Of Cold Laser Therapy In Pain Management

Blog Article

The Process of Cold Laser Quit Smoking
Laser therapists apply a soft laser beam to energy points on the body. This stimulates the body’s production of natural chemicals called endorphins, which have a calming and relaxing effect.

It is this rebalancing of the endorphin levels that helps relieve the withdrawal symptoms and nicotine cravings that are normally associated with quitting smoking.

Smokers get a sense of satisfaction from cigarettes for a few minutes because nicotine stimulates the body’s release of feel good chemicals called endorphins. The influx of these natural chemicals relieves stress, increases energy and alleviates cravings. Once a person quits smoking, the body’s natural supply of endorphins decreases and nicotine takes over, causing withdrawal symptoms. Brunswick Medi Spa offers a stop smoking laser treatment package that stimulates the brain to produce endorphins and replace the ones lost from nicotine.

The therapeutic laser, known as LLLT, is a painless and non-invasive therapy. The laser activates the acupuncture points on the ears and wrists that send signals to the brain to produce endorphins. It also promotes the production of serotonin and dopamine, which reduce anxiety levels during nicotine withdrawal. It is a safe, effective treatment that has been used in Europe for 30 years and in copyright for 20 with an 80% success rate. Medications may be recommended if this treatment is unsuccessful.

The biggest hurdle in quitting smoking is nicotine withdrawal. Cold laser treatments stimulate acupuncture points that reduce cravings and withdrawal symptoms, making it much easier to get through this difficult phase and break the habit of nicotine addiction once and for all.

Nicotine patches, gums and other step-down aids are not as effective in breaking the nicotine addiction as a one time quit smoking laser treatment. The other methods keep nicotine in your body which prolongs the process of breaking your addiction and often leads to failure in the end.

In addition to reducing physical cravings and withdrawal symptoms, the Cold Laser quit smoking treatments boost your immune system and promote cognitive health by stimulating a healthy flow of blood in the brain. You will also experience reduced anxiety and stress levels due to the neurotransmitter activity that is activated during the sessions.

Stress Reduction
A laser beam is used to activate acupuncture points that reduce the craving for cigarettes. The treatment is painless, relaxing and does not involve any medication. This is a very important factor because smoking cessation medications can sometimes have adverse side effects.

The laser stimulates the body to release natural chemicals called endorphins, which have a very calming effect and help to reduce nicotine withdrawal symptoms and cravings. Some people even feel a sense of euphoria after treatment with the laser.

This technique could potentially have a leg up on other conventional methods of helping smokers quit, including drugs such as Chantix and Zyban, which can have serious side effects like suicidal thoughts and paranoia. However, more research needs to be done in order to prove its effectiveness.

If it is proven that this is effective, this would be a huge breakthrough for those struggling to quit smoking. Smokers need all the support they can get, especially when traditional methods such as patches, gums and hypnosis fail to work.

Weight Loss
Stopping smoking is a critical first step for improving your health and safeguarding those around you from secondhand smoke. However, many smokers have found it difficult to stop due to the cravings, stress, and withdrawal symptoms. Cold laser therapy is an effective treatment to reduce the physical craving for nicotine, as well as decrease withdrawal symptoms.

This treatment utilizes a low-intensity laser to stimulate acupuncture points on the body, namely the ears and wrists. These acupuncture points are known to increase the production laser of endorphins, which are natural painkillers and mood enhancers that relieve cravings during nicotine withdrawal.

Additionally, the laser stimulates blood flow, which promotes oxygen and nutrient delivery to brain cells. This can improve memory and focus. It also helps reduce anxiety by regulating melatonin, the chemical that regulates sleep patterns. This process has been proven to be effective in helping individuals stop smoking for good. Unlike other treatments, cold laser therapy is safe and non-invasive.